09 Apr

Chen Zhi, philanthropist and watch enthusiast, instils confidence in future Cambodian watchmakers during a classroom visit.

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Neak Oknha Chen Zhi, Chairman of the Prince Holding Group, one of Cambodia's largest and fastest-growing conglomerates, paid a visit to students at the Prince Horology Vocational Training Center receiving instruction in the Swiss watchmaking skill.

The six Cambodian students, who are now receiving full scholarships and stipends, are on track to graduate as Cambodia's first watchmakers capable of repairing and assembling watches to Swiss standards – commonly regarded the gold standard in the world of luxury timepieces. More info

Chen Zhi has devoted much personal attention to the institute, which he supports through the Prince Foundation, the Group's philanthropy arm. The facility is a critical component of the Group's larger efforts to elevate education in Cambodia through scholarship programmes, thought leadership trainings, and other CSR projects.

“Three years back, this was just a vision,” shares Chen Zhi. “I am impressed with the progress that has been made since we founded the school before the start of the pandemic and I look forward to see the birth of Cambodia’s first-ever watchmakers trained to Swiss standards.”

Chen Zhi hopes that by teaching these future pioneer watchmakers all about horology in a centre equipped with best-in-class technology and taught by international specialists, the passion of these future pioneer watchmakers would serve as an inspiration for high-end workmanship throughout Cambodia.

“Unique to Cambodia, the school brings world-class facilities that rival those found in ateliers or facilities in Switzerland” said Sack-Man Loui, Executive Principal of Prince Horology. “As instructors, we want to do our part to further elevate a culture of artisanal craftsmanship, and have spared no expense to ensure our Cambodian students get the very best.”

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